Local Moves

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Corporate Moves

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipilo scing elit loma Pellen ekolor the all tesque adleo risus. nulla ullat aliquet leoert pelleesque felis ort Mauris et iaculis alora tolos ante nellac velit suscipit laoreet. Integer id nunc at diam other placerat egestas shole the. Donec eslopt massa, convallis malesuada semper ato finibus all the all libe itur slloit amet justo aliquet.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipilo scing elit loma Pellen ekolor the all tesque adleo risus. nulla ullat aliquet leoert pelleesque felis ort Mauris et iaculis alora tolos ante nellac velit suscipit laoreet. Integer id nunc at diam other placerat egestas shole the. Donec eslopt massa, convallis malesuada semper ato finibus all the all libe itur slloit amet justo aliquet.

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Done In One Implant Centers are independently owned and operated within a network of dental practices managed by licensed dentists. The American Dental Association does not recognize any specialty field specifically for dental implant treatment. Done In One providers are proficient in both oral & maxillofacial surgery and restorative dentistry and may consist of general dentists, prosthodontists, oral surgeons, and periodontists. The Done In One procedure refers to a procedure consisting of extractions (if needed), bone reduction, implant placement, and a permanent (zirconia) implant-supported prosthesis placed on either arch (upper or lower), or both. Done In One specializes in the immediate occlusal-loading protocol, defined as an implant supported restoration in occlusal contact within 2 weeks of the implant insertion. The Done In One procedure can be offered to qualified patients based on a full examination, radiographs, and initial work up. Not all patients will qualify. In most cases, qualified patients that do not need additional sinus augmentation can have the Done In One procedure completed and typically receive a final zirconia prosthesis within one week after extractions. Patients will receive a provisional prosthesis within 24 hours after surgery that will allow them functionality until their final zirconia prosthesis is fabricated. Results and timeframes of the delivery of a final prosthesis will vary on a case-by-case basis. Done In One exclusively utilizes an implant system that is properly registered, listed, and has a 510(k) clearance from the FDA. After many years of clinical studi